Why diversity in sports matters? – Heidi Kivelä, Diversity advocate, Women's sport expert
Unlocking potential: How coaches can create equal opportunities for migrant children and youth? – Maurizio Pratesi, Director of Walter ry and Diversity/Antiracism Advisor for the Football Association of Finland & Olsi Marko, Project Coordinator, Yökoris (Midnight Street Basketball)
Maurizio Pratesi is a former professional basketball player who played for 6 years in one of Europe's top leagues, the German Bundesliga, and for the Finnish junior and men's national teams. After his professional basketball career ended in 2003, he started several community programs for children and youth at risk of marginalisation. He is also one of the founders of several NGOs that specialise in equal opportunities for migrant children and youth to participate in Finnish sports.
Since 2009, Olsi has led Yökoris, an initiative that provides equal opportunities for youth through sports. Organizing over 500 events annually, from small group activities to major street basketball tournaments, Yökoris fosters community, inclusivity, and personal development. In 2017, Olsi was honored as Coach of the Year by the City of Helsinki for his dedication to empowering youth. The initiative has positively impacted thousands of youths, creating a safe and engaging environment for growth and collaboration. Looking ahead, Olsi aims to expand Yökoris' reach, build new partnerships, and inspire future generations to strengthen communities through shared passion and opportunities.
Mental well-being for young athletes – Miguel Reyes, Advisor, Mental Well-Being for young athletes, Unit for Mental Health of Youth
By applying the Mental Well-being for Young Athletes methods, coaches can promote the mental well-being of young people in sports settings. The aim of the Mental Well-being for Young Athletes project is for everyone involved in children and young people's sporting activities to know how to support the normal development of mental health, how to apply mental health skills as part of coaching activities and how to face children and young people.
Workshop – TBA
The second afternoon will be conducted in Finnish
Neuromoninaisuus harrastemaailmassa -koulutus – Tarja Seppälä, Neuropsykiatrinen valmentaja, Live&Learn
Koulutuksen teemat:
Koulutuksen tavoitteet:
Paneelikeskustelu: Yksilöllisten tarpeiden huomioiminen valmentamisessa – Paneelissa Janne Keränen, Turunseudun Kenttäurheilijat, Mostafa Asadi, Me-säätiö, TBA